About Me

Missouri, United States
I consider myself the "black sheep" of the family. I moved away from home when I was 19 and a year ago I decided it was time I moved back home....so glad to be among family and friends. I grew up playing the piano but haven't played in years. I have always thought outside the box, wanting to move to Boquete Panama, I am a tea party participant. I am a reiki master and I have 2 good guard dogs....a dachshund and Jack Russell terrorist. I go to alternative news websites daily for news (don't trust MSM to tell the truth). Operation mockingbird is a CIA operation that began in the '40's to control the media both foreign and domestic. This is why I go to alternative news websites. For an excellent article to read on the subject I suggest http://www.prisonplanet.com/analysis_louise_01_03_03_mockingbird.html


Monday, May 3, 2010

poff report 05-02-10

Greetings and Salutations;

The 'impossible' is happening and it's on steroids. The time of delay has
created a situation where there's so much pressure that has built up,
something similar to an explosion is afoot. If you were listening to the
back ground noise on economics, it was 'mentioned' the world's out of money.
Perhaps it's because somebody got real busy with drawing the fiat crap out
of the markets and rendering everyone else toothless. If folks would have
paid attention when they told goldman sachs what they could do with their
derivatives and dared them to take them to court, none of what's happening
now would be a surprise. It wasn't to me, I've been waiting for the whip to
crack on all this stuff, so it would get into the public. This is a time
when the conspiracy stories have to go public for the masses, at least, they
will be somewhat ready when the announcements start.

I keep getting asked about the 'restore america' folks and what they may
have to do with these programs. Nothing directly, it's more like someone
knowing what season it is and acting accordingly. None of this stuff is new
however, it's been in the works for years by the folks up there on Mount
Olympus. What can frustrate people is not getting the blow by blow of what
they've been doing to bring a new precious metal backed global banking
system online. Well, sorry, you don't broadcast your moves to the enemy. You
quietly work in the background and take care of business. Most of the
population hasn't a clue what these guys have been up to for over 100 years,
much less how entwined 'they' got into their daily lives, and accepted as
normal. Nothing worse than a slave not knowing they are slaves. I suspect
there's another 'emancipation proclamation' coming, only this time it will
be from the corporation started way back in 1871. Demanded by the then queen
of england, Victoria, for loaning a bankrupt country money.


There are no real secrets out here, it's only a matter of degree as to how
far anyone wants to dig and get the answer. Someone tried to blame lincoln
for starting the corp, ah, 'scuse me why bother killing the man if he did
what you wanted and handed everything over to you. People out here trying to
rewrite history. The queen was supporting the south during the civil war,
not the north. She and the rothschilds wanted this little thing broke up for
economic reasons and control of us banking. This is what Jefferson kept
warning about, 'foreign bankers'. Now it's come full circle, and the real
power in this world has bankrupted them and cut their little fingers off to
the bone. They can eat but don't push it and try to get the old wheel
turning again because this will look like a whack a mole until they finally
walk away and lick their wounds. Ya want a chicken or nothing at all? It's
hard to take the word 'NO' when you're used to doing whatever you want. I
get reminded of a rat in an experiment, getting shocked every time it tries
to repeat certain behavior. It feels so much better when you quit trying.
It's that definition of stupidity that einstein gave; repeating the same
thing over and over again, expecting different results.

Sorry this sounds like repetition but; we stand at the entrance to a brave
new world. All will be explained, not just in the us but all around the
world. The us goes first with the announcements because our actors have been
the problem and when the world hears them they'll know it's really over. The
real patriots are very happy now because they have been to the mountain top
and have been involved in what's coming down to the masses. Not one has
pointed at the current president as causing any problems getting this done,
sorry. When the dyed in the wools out here give him a clean bill of health,
despite appearances, it's something to give a pause to ponder, the smoke and
mirrors, I've been watching. Keep your enemies closer than your friends.
Think about it.

I'm off and ready for a night flight at about 44 thousand feet. Be ready
for the 'can't happen' to make a visit at your door. I just gotta say this,
too many don't really believe God gives a crap but they also don't realize
the personal nature of what's going on here meaning anything in the
infinite. Many surprises are afoot which is dragging in every religious
leader across the planet, as I said archives exist and they will be brought
up on the big table. Enough wars fought in the name of what ever people
believe, which has been controlled by the leaders anyhow. I'm reaching
everyone I can with the time allotted, leave your request in this email.
Donations needed and accepted at www.paypal.com account
Cheers, one and all.

Love and Kisses,


For your watching and listening pleasure,


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