About Me

Missouri, United States
I consider myself the "black sheep" of the family. I moved away from home when I was 19 and a year ago I decided it was time I moved back home....so glad to be among family and friends. I grew up playing the piano but haven't played in years. I have always thought outside the box, wanting to move to Boquete Panama, I am a tea party participant. I am a reiki master and I have 2 good guard dogs....a dachshund and Jack Russell terrorist. I go to alternative news websites daily for news (don't trust MSM to tell the truth). Operation mockingbird is a CIA operation that began in the '40's to control the media both foreign and domestic. This is why I go to alternative news websites. For an excellent article to read on the subject I suggest http://www.prisonplanet.com/analysis_louise_01_03_03_mockingbird.html


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Comments on Restore America Plan

Restore America Plan - Sam Kennedy, The Other Side
Last night Sam Kennedy got on his talk show and decided to open an incredible can of worms. I have had about 5 phone calls today from concerned people as to what really happened or to determine if what Sam Kennedy really said was true. Let me only address 1 of his MANY false statements and be advised that I can back it with documentation/email communications that will shock you as to how much of a flat out liar Sam Kennedy is.

Out of many of SK’s mis-truths, the one that I personally was privileged to was the one about the State Coordinator that Sam says that Tim wanted SK (Sam Kennedy) to be the hatchet man and fire. All the other mis-truths that SK said last night don’t really need to be addressed because they didn’t happen. AT ALL. There were no back room deals, no plot to steal/fleece the people? That’s just crazy.. The craziest statement that SK wants us to believe is that 150 people were threatened by the 3 Guardians at one time on a conference call. Come on guys.

Here are the simple facts that me and many witnesses say and heard with our own eyes and ears regarding that State Coordinator. Instead of Tim asking SK to fire him, Tim was actually asking SK to apologize to that coordinator. I and about 20 other people saw the email FROM Tim requesting personally for SK to address the coordinator respectfully and to apologize to him. At that time, I am sure that all Grand Jurors were nervous about what they were signing. I know I was. So this particular State Coordinator was asking some very simple questions that could have been simply answered. I PERSONALLY KNOW and ARE FRIENDS with both this State Coordinator and with Tim Turner. Both are BCC’d on this email and both know that the events that I am saying here are true. I along with Thomas Jefferson Jenkins IV have been in the middle of this entire debacle that could have been avoided if there was true intention to make Kings out of the people instead of making himself as a King. The State Coordinator wrote SK some of the most respectful emails that I have ever read. SK acted much like a dictator and as his response to professionalism, SK sent out a national email to all his database that this State Coordinator had created a “black opps” campaign to scuttle the entire hope for RAP. Point is.. All that was asked were questions like.. Can we have a definitions page?… Tim Turner was willing to give a definitions page. SK obviously doesn’t/didn’t want to be deposed. He doesn’t want his authority questioned. So he took a man’s life/reputation (State Coordinator) and sent out a national email defacing this man without any cause of action. Tim, heard about this and was upset because SK first said some lies to Tim and we literally had a conference call to determine the email chain which ultimately proved that SK was intentionally trying to harm this particular State Coordinator without any cause. We have these emails that prove SK seems to incline himself to un-truths. This completely contradicts SK’s statements last night. I can go on and on and on with many statements about how horrible SK has conducted himself this last several months.

I am a third party witness to this and I will tell you right now that not one thing that Sam Kennedy is doing right now is for our Republic. Many people have speculated that his name is not Sam Kennedy. WHO CARES. What I care about is what is this man doing today. What is he doing for the Republic. The only thing that he is doing is purposely causing a wedge in the Republic. He has caused more wedges and divisions than any man that I have ever seen in my life. He doesn’t care for the people. He flat out stated on his radio show that we don’t need to have training as De Jure Grand Jurors, that he will just tell us what to do. Remember, in a Republic, the People are the kings. In the 1800’s they would practice by reading and studying the law. Power for the people is for us to be educated in how we can serve the people.

Now listen to this really carefully. 3 men (The remaining Guardians) wanted to separate themselves from SK. SK as little as one month ago, spoke nothing but good things about all 3 men. Talking about how their character was above reproach. That they were all Godly men. So why are these 3 men doing this? When I first realized who SK truly was in his private behavior, I expressed publicly my concern to everyone that I knew about him. SK will say or do anything at this time because of PRIDE. Now in SK’s pride, he is sending emails out to everyone talking about how Tim Turners Freedom Documents (Now called Freedom Chronicles) are no good. Let me just say this.. With Tim’s process, we are watching the world unfold and scripture being fulfilled where the WEALTH OF THE WICKED WILL BE TRANSFERRED TO THE RIGHTOUS. Tim has a multi billion dollar lien that is now being paid. Pretty good for a guy that has a set of crappy docs. That email that Sam is sending out putting down Tim’s documents was only a reflection of how he feels about himself. As a matter of fact, every negative statement is only a reflection of how he is feeling about himself.

Here is the bottom line. 3 GODLY guys who love the people of America are not moving on without this angry, embittered man by the name of Sam Kennedy. There is nothing going on in the back ground for the people of America other than our new Republic pushing forward.

SO… Please help me by copying this text to every patriot blog and forwarding this to anyone that you may know in the Patriot community. Sam has very little time left in this. He has no clue of the end game ramifications and treasonous actions that he is doing today. Please help me with disseminating truth to the masses.

Kelby Thomas Smith

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