About Me

Missouri, United States
I consider myself the "black sheep" of the family. I moved away from home when I was 19 and a year ago I decided it was time I moved back home....so glad to be among family and friends. I grew up playing the piano but haven't played in years. I have always thought outside the box, wanting to move to Boquete Panama, I am a tea party participant. I am a reiki master and I have 2 good guard dogs....a dachshund and Jack Russell terrorist. I go to alternative news websites daily for news (don't trust MSM to tell the truth). Operation mockingbird is a CIA operation that began in the '40's to control the media both foreign and domestic. This is why I go to alternative news websites. For an excellent article to read on the subject I suggest http://www.prisonplanet.com/analysis_louise_01_03_03_mockingbird.html


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Subprime Conspiracy: Was There A Plan to Blow Up The Economy?

By Mike Whitney

Many people now believe that the financial crisis was not an accident. They think that the Bush administration and the Fed knew what Wall Street was up to and provided their support. This isn't as far fetched as it sounds.
http://www.informat ionclearinghouse .info/article253 67.htm

Goldman Sachs Reveals it Shorted Gulf of Mexico

Goldman Sucks: Day before "One oil rig goes down and we're going to be rolling in dough"

Russia tipped somebody off what they were getting ready to do.

http://www.huffingt onpost.com/ andy-borowitz/ goldman-sachs- reveals-it_ b_558774. html

I hate to be a naysayer, but you do know that Huffington post is neolib, like Limbaugh is neocon. Right?

Why are they selling us this??? Is it to start that third world war that Zbig wants so badly?


artist2@skywerx. com

Percy ( from Graham)

I thought I had read that the next Bilderberger meeting was going to be in Spain. Apparently not! It's in Greece quite appropriately!

It seems that 'the Elite' are giving us all the ' runaround' The kind of thing a " Fugitive " does - eh Perce?

Oh by the way ( to all the Brits like me) Notice that jerk Mendelson and George Osbourne are attending! Obviously Rothschild will be there.

Notice also No SDP Liberals. If that doesn't register with you again that this election this week is totally fixed, then there is something' retarded'

with your intelligence ( Like everything else in this evil, aggressive, corrupt land we call the 'United Kingdom ' ) GJ (UK)

http://www.somethin gmustbreak. net/id147. html

Internet shutdown tomorrow? You may want to take precautions:

http://www.itnews. com.au/News/ 173412,warning- why-your- internet- might-fail- on-may-5. aspx

ONCE AGAIN---we are being lied to----and the new-york "bomb" is just another perception-manageme nt-attempt- ---taking the heat off the oil-spill--- --which seems to develop into a nightmarish ecological disaster

once again we are confronted with the BIG catastrophies because of BIG BUSINESS---- BIG GOVERNMENT (zog-nwo)--- BIG BANKS----BIG INDUSTRIES-- --BIG MILITARY---- BIG HUBRIS (bilderbergers etc)----BIG LUST FOR MONEY--POWER- -CONTROL. .


all this big-ness needs to be broken up. we need to go back to sane size. lets scrap this LEVIathan-madness- ---scrap the behemoth military-industrial -complex and all of its subterfuges

regional : sane----egologicall y responsible- ---autonomous- ---sovereign- ---small businesses instead of UCC-despotism- ---artisans instead of stupid assembly-line "jobs"----harmony and wisdom instead MEGA-lomania !

in a regional economy there is much better system-stability- ---freedom from time-slavery- ---car-and- utility dependence-- --industrial farming----- better accountability of governance (regional council`s--- etc etc)

back to pandora----- back to real life !

Oil Spill: Here’s the Inside Scoop

Washington’s Blog
May 3, 2010

The Gulf oil spill is much worse than originally believed.

As the Christian Science Monitor writes:

It’s now likely that the actual amount of the oil spill dwarfs the Coast Guard’s figure of 5,000 barrels, or 210,000 gallons, a day.

Independent scientists estimate that the renegade wellhead at the bottom of the Gulf could be spewing up to 25,000 barrels a day. If chokeholds on the riser pipe break down further, up to 50,000 barrels a day could be released, according to a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration memo obtained by the Mobile, Ala., Press-Register.

CNN quotes the lead government official responding to the spill – the commandant of the Coast Guard, Admiral Thad Allen – as stating:

If we lost a total well head, it could be 100,000 barrels or more a day.

Indeed, an environmental document filed by the company running the oil drilling rig – BP – estimates the maximum as 162,000 barrels a day:

In an exploration plan and environmental impact analysis filed with the federal government in February 2009, BP said it had the capability to handle a “worst-case scenario” at the Deepwater Horizon site, which the document described as a leak of 162,000 barrels per day from an uncontrolled blowout — 6.8 million gallons each day.

Best-Case Scenario

BP is trying to perform a difficult task of capping the leak by using robotic submarines to trigger a “blowout preventer” 5,000 feet below the surface of the ocean. Here’s a photo of the robot trying to activate the switch on April 22nd:

(courtesy of the US Coast Guard)

If successful, the leak could be stopped any day. Everyone is rooting for the engineers, so that they may successfully cap the leak.

Already, however, the spill is worse than the Exxon Valdez, and will cause enormous and very costly destruction to the shrimping, fishing and tourism industries along the Gulf Coast of Louisiana and Florida. It will be years before good estimates on the number of dead fish, turtles, birds and other animals can be made.

The Backup Plan

If the blowout preventer can’t be triggered, the backup plan is to drill another well to relieve pressure from the leaking well.

Here’s a drawing prepared by BP showing the plan (the drilling rig on the left will take months to drill down and relieve pressure from the leaking rig):

Here’s a graphic from the Times-Picayune showing the same thing (and accurately showing that there are currently 3 leaking oil plumes):

BP will also attempt to drop concrete and metal “cages” over the leak sites, to try to buy time by collecting oil in the cages, and then draining oil away in a safer manner. In addition, BP is using chemical disperants to try to break up the oil plumes before they rise to the surface (the dispersants are highly toxic).

Worst-Case Scenario

As the Associated Press notes:

Experts warned that an uncontrolled gusher could create a nightmare scenario if the Gulf Stream carries it toward the Atlantic.

This would, in fact, be very bad, as it would carry oil far up the Eastern seaboard.

Specifically, as the red arrows at the left of the following drawing show, the Gulf Stream runs from Florida up the Eastern Coast of the United States:

[Click here for full image.]

In a worst-case scenario – if the oil leak continued for a very long period of time – the oil could conceivably be carried from the Gulf Stream into world-wide ocean currents (see drawing above).

I do not believe this will happen. Even with the staggering quantity of oil being released, I don’t think it’s enough to make its way into other ocean currents. I think that either engineers will figure out how to cap the leak, or the oil deposits will simply run out.
Changing the Climate

There is an even more dramatic – but even less likely – scenario.

Specifically, global warming activists have warned for years that warming could cause the “great conveyor belt” of warm ocean water to shut down. They say that such a shut down could – in turn – cause the climate to abruptly change, and a new ice age to begin. (This essay neither tries to endorse or refute global warming or global cooling in general: I am focusing solely on the oil spill.)

The drawing above shows the worldwide “great conveyer belt” of ocean currents, which are largely driven by the interaction of normal ocean water with colder and saltier ocean currents.

Conceivably – if the oil spill continued for years – the greater thickness or “viscosity” of the oil in comparison to ocean water, or the different ability of oil and seawater to hold warmth (called “specific heat“), could interfere with the normal temperature and salinity processes which drive the ocean currents, and thus shut down the ocean currents and change the world’s climate.

However, while this is an interesting theory (and could make for a good novel or movie), it simply will not happen.

Why not?

Because there simply is not enough oil in the leaking oil pocket to interfere with global ocean currents. And even if this turns out to be a much bigger oil pocket than geologists predict, some smart engineer will figure out how to cap the leak well before any doomsday scenario could possibly happen.

Declaring War on the Universe?

Jim Kirwan


It is one thing to declare war upon poor or struggling nations to improve the bottom-lines of the Plutocracy that runs the world at the moment: But it is something else entirely to attack the DNA of the this tiny blue planet at its molten core; especially when such a death blow cannot then be stopped by the puny efforts of those that chose to attack the very forces of nature that give all of us the lives we are trying to live today.

What has happened in the Gulf of Mexico is about to open a direct link to the molten core of the planet that we may not be able to control; much as the fallen being above, having become paralyzed by his obsession with the weight of his excessive dreams, now finds himself starring down into the unknown abyss of his own creation—the world may soon find itself nearly powerless before the primeval forces that we have allowed BP to disturb in the unholy name of private-profits over the survivability of this planet.

The population of the world has been at war nature for thousands of years without realizing what that means in literal terms to the survival of the planet. Most people have no idea that there is a sacred-DNA in nature that “IF’ shattered will end life on this planet. That DNA is critical to everything that lives and it is what unites every action and reaction around the world, regardless of the actions of people or policies anywhere, which keeps ‘life itself’ in-balance. We have just allowed a thoroughly corrupt oil-company and their investors to put us all in jeopardy for an excess of greed that should have been prevented long before this deep-water drilling operation, in the Gulf of Mexico, was allowed to proceed.

Before any people can really begin to live ‘authentic lives’ certain realities must be accepted so that any real future can exist. This begins with nature’s DNA that requires balances throughout life that have to be dealt with in order for life-anywhere to be renewable in order to continue. When the world embraced “disposable everything” that practice created a massive imbalance that is far too expensive to ever be used for anything as totally unnecessary as consumer-products; because we have not provided for what becomes of the waste thereby created. This includes everything from safety-razors to nuclear waste; from plastics through disposable-diapers. There are other products that could have been used that would not have created non-biodegradable wastes; but then the profits would have been smaller hence the “commercial-priority” that trumped the survivability of the 93.5% of the planet that does not live in the USA.

To keep the nightmare going; the Plutocracy created “exceptionalism” the art of granting waivers to the largest polluters for those most serious of practices that truly threatened our entire way of life—such as the ability to drill for oil so deep in the ocean as to be beyond the means of those that drilled the wells, to ever control the universal-actions they have now set in motion. That vast series of exceptions to the laws necessary for human survival has become the knife which has killed our chances to have a viable world. This is being clearly illustrated throughout the events now unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico just off the Louisiana coastal-shore.

Here is brief summary from an engineer who works with these problems:

“First fact, the original estimate was about 5,000 gallons of oil a day
spilling into the ocean. Now they're saying 200,000 gallons a day.
That's over a million gallons of crude oil a week!

I'm engineer with 25 years of experience. I've worked on some big
projects with big machines. Maybe that's why this mess is so clear to
me. [And is so unclear to the millions without such knowledge]

First, the BP platform was drilling for what they call deep oil. They
go out where the ocean is about 5,000 feet deep and drill another
30,000 feet into the crust of the earth. This it right on the edge of
what human technology can do. Well, this time they hit a pocket of

oil at such high pressure that it burst all of their safety valves all the
way up to the drilling rig and then caused the rig to explode and
sink. Take a moment to grasp the import of that. The pressure

behind this oil is so high that it destroyed the maximum effort of

human science to contain it.

When the rig sank it flipped over and landed on top of the drill hole
some 5,000 feet under the ocean.

Now they've got a hole in the ocean floor, 5,000 feet down with a
wrecked oil drilling rig sitting on top of is spewing 200,000 barrels
of oil a day into the ocean. Take a moment and consider that, will

First they have to get the oil rig off the hole to get at it in order
to try to cap it. Do you know the level of effort it will take to move
that wrecked oil rig, sitting under 5,000 feet of water? That
operation alone would take years and hundreds of millions to
accomplish. Then, how do you cap that hole in the muddy ocean

floor? There just is no way. No way.

The only piece of human technology that might address this is a
nuclear bomb. I'm not kidding. If they put a nuke down there in the
right spot it might seal up the hole. Nothing short of that will work.

If we can't cap that hole that oil is going to destroy the oceans of
the world. It only takes one quart of motor oil to make 250,000
gallons of ocean water toxic to wildlife. Are you starting to get the
magnitude of this?”

What will also rise from the molten core of the planet will be the hubris and the greed that will continue to fracture everything in present time. This will turn the natural realizations of everyday life, brought to us by nature, into the near total dissolution of the resulting imbalance that will bring nothing but endings. Nature has created what we have enjoyed through hundreds of generations that have built human lives over centuries of cooperation with nature. It is this very fragile yet totally integrated ‘civilization’ that is what is now being destroyed by the criminal-practice of exceptionalism which motivates these Outlaws to expand their ever-stronger strangleholds upon the rest of us on this tiny blue planet.

When natural realities are ignored or held-hostage to favor illicit profits over the survival of the universal balances; for something as temporary and proprietary as the illicit-private- profits of the few, over the absolute necessity of global continuity for the entire planet: Then the world must act to end this practice. Basic services such as water, fuel and food are too important to everyone to ever be left to the whims of privatized-business ventures and their twisted designs to enslave the human race.

The balance in this world is being threatened yet again, by the same criminals, that have already stolen almost everything we thought was ours, since we entered this New Criminal Millennium that began with the Bushwhacker, whose owners have now declared that “we shall remain in unending war for the next 80 years.” The mouthpiece is now Obamanation who still can’t succeed in even closing Guantanamo’ yet he now assures us all that “BP will pay!” That’s bullshit and everyone knows it. For starters BP ought to be charged a minimum of the trillion dollars which this will cost in the end; even though it will probably be unstoppable. Given that: “If we can't cap that hole that oil is going to destroy the oceans of the world. It only takes one quart of motor oil to make 250,000 gallons of ocean water toxic to wildlife.”

I say this because the contamination of the oceans that has begun in the Gulf of Mexico will spread directly into the Gulf Stream which will be carried around the world so that the longer this continues the greater will be the global pollution of the world’s water supply—which can only barely begin with a Trillion dollars worth of real damage. This expanding flood of pressurized oil will only increase until something massive is done to close this criminally-created wound in the earth’s crust. The “action,” whatever that turns out to be will no doubt also bring on its own side-effects, especially if that something turns out to be a nuke or something worse!

kirwanstudios@ sbcglobal. net


A Beautiful Butterfly Bolted to a Bullet http://www.kirwanes que.com/politics /articles/ 2003/art4. htm

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