About Me

Missouri, United States
I consider myself the "black sheep" of the family. I moved away from home when I was 19 and a year ago I decided it was time I moved back home....so glad to be among family and friends. I grew up playing the piano but haven't played in years. I have always thought outside the box, wanting to move to Boquete Panama, I am a tea party participant. I am a reiki master and I have 2 good guard dogs....a dachshund and Jack Russell terrorist. I go to alternative news websites daily for news (don't trust MSM to tell the truth). Operation mockingbird is a CIA operation that began in the '40's to control the media both foreign and domestic. This is why I go to alternative news websites. For an excellent article to read on the subject I suggest http://www.prisonplanet.com/analysis_louise_01_03_03_mockingbird.html


Friday, April 30, 2010

CASPER OPINION: APRIL 30, 2009 (Updated with comment by Patrick H. Bellringer)

This post was taken from fourwinds10.com. Patrick Bellringer is the owner of the news service and I fully agree with his comments added at the bottom of the casper opinion. I am sick of the jerkwads that whine regarding the updates that casper puts out. I too would so like to cram casper's words down their throats. But I am being polite with what I really feel about them...cramming something down someon'e throat has a much softer tome to it. Here's casper's opinion.......................................


The 'language' surrounding this seemingly never ending cat and mouse game has become consistent, "we must have the funds to save the banks and we will get them one way or another". Usually left unsaid but even more important to them "we must stop at all cost the deliveries which lead to announcements and the attendant proof that successive Administrations have been operating the largest Criminal Enterprise in world history from within U.S. Governmental Structures".

"WE don't know everything", yet as knowledge increases over time it has become more obvious than ever before that the effort to STOP the 'new' financial/banking system and our accompanying funding has become a 'life or death' effort for 'them' which is worldwide in its scope. Outcomes revolve around and are subject to the activities of what WE have dubbed the "Second Rail" players meaning Heads of State, Central Banks, Sovereign National Interest, Illuminati/Vatican/Royals Interest, the wealthiest families in the world and more which are above the "First Rail" activities of Trustees, Bankers and the like. Overcoming those Second Rail Players committed to a continuation of the Status Quo, which includes the D.C. Corporate Structure, is at the core of the WAR and the daily battles and subjects program participants to the whipsaw and emotional swings which accompany the ebb and flow of the battles at those lofty levels. Collectively we are helpless, we are hostages, we are 'ignorant peasants' in their eyes and our only importance lies in the fact the accounts containing the funds are already set up in our names. "They" are after the money, it has always been thus. Sacrificing us to save themselves and their corrupt Fraudulent Finance/Banking Operations is a given from their perspective. You know and understand by now the 'big picture' even if the daily problem de jure might confuse you (or us). You also realize that more than the demise of the 100 year old 'Fiat Monetary Systems' is involved, that retrieving the United States from the carnivorous swamp creature THE UNITED STATES makes the War infinitely more difficult and you now understand what the 'exposures' will mean to the criminals personally and why therefore they 'fight to the death' to stop it from occurring, to STOP the first domino from falling.

Try to imagine all that 'we don't know'. It's impossible. Snakes meet in the dark, make deals then screw each other hours later. WE learn of and report this or that. WE doubt it is even 10% of what is actually going on. 'They' have tens of thousands of helpers doing their bidding, thousands of lawyers who themselves face the 'gas chamber' if the Original Constitution precluding lawyers from serving in Government is restored. It is all so overwhelmingly huge and complex. 'Their' privately owned and manipulated Financial System is on its last legs but when criminals are running the show who knows to what extremes they will go when faced with 'exposure'. Debt, like Fire, is a great servant or a terrible master. To keep their con game going they are increasing the already out of control impossible to repay debt Internationally, EXPONENTIALLY. It buys them time but leaves the real problems even more impossible to overcome and guarantees disaster for the regular folk, 'the peasants'. And for what? To save themselves in power and enrich themselves personally. It is the INTENTIONAL destruction of what remains of historical America and half the people do not yet realize what is being done to them. It may be more subtle, but 'they' might as well be shooting the people in the streets. If, because of their greed and political madness, they string out the 'old' as far as possible it will mean, for the people, 'death by a thousand cuts'. Try to imagine the true character of men who would pass the despised 'Healthcare Bill' by both hook and crook and then attempt to sell the income stream therefrom 30 years in advance in order to obtain the funds to preserve themselves in power a little while longer. There are no words sufficient to describe the completely corrupt and evil nature of Washington D.C..

On the Business Front WE are awaiting, like you, further news and/or instructions.

casper 4-30-10 opinion




This piece written by Casper on this Arbor Day, the last day of April 2010, that he calls “Opinion”, is the most true and concise statement he has ever made to summarize the evil world order that “We the People” face today. Every person, who has bitched about Casper or about his updates, about Fourwinds for positing his updates, about Bellringers for doing the postings and believing in such “crap”, or who has complained about the years of delays in not getting their money, or of “WE” not succeeding in taking down the U.S. Corporate Government and throwing the bastards out of office, needs to have this statement of Truth by Casper crammed down their throat, as food for thought to possibly wake them up to the real world, the real World’s Order, and to the Adversary against whom we fight.

The odds are overwhelming, but we shall prevail, for the Light always prevails and sweeps away the fools into the Dark Night. Victory for “We the People” is at hand! Know it! Believe it! Evil is destroying itself! -- Patrick H. Bellringer

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