About Me

Missouri, United States
I consider myself the "black sheep" of the family. I moved away from home when I was 19 and a year ago I decided it was time I moved back home....so glad to be among family and friends. I grew up playing the piano but haven't played in years. I have always thought outside the box, wanting to move to Boquete Panama, I am a tea party participant. I am a reiki master and I have 2 good guard dogs....a dachshund and Jack Russell terrorist. I go to alternative news websites daily for news (don't trust MSM to tell the truth). Operation mockingbird is a CIA operation that began in the '40's to control the media both foreign and domestic. This is why I go to alternative news websites. For an excellent article to read on the subject I suggest http://www.prisonplanet.com/analysis_louise_01_03_03_mockingbird.html


Saturday, April 24, 2010

This was found on another blogspot but the source wasn't posted...........Cynthia

Restore America Plan - Research Observations

I have done EXTENSIVE research in particular matters that involve "our" government and the Grand Jury.

I also have been researching the Guardians of the Free Republics (GOFR) and the Restore America Plan (RAP).

From this perspective, I make this observation:

1. The United States Supreme Court (USSC) was/is involved with RAP.
2. The military is involved with RAP (proven my the Provost Marshals that served the papers upon the governors of the 50 states).
3. Large organizations flood the government with "petitions for redress", "Articles of Freedom", etc...many demanding a public official "step down" and that never hits "mainstream media". The fact that some pieces of paper given to the governors by RAP hit the major media is telling, in and of itself.
4. The USSC cannot "see or hear" someone just coming and complaining to them. There is a process necessary for a lawful petition. (I believe this lawful petition was accomplished. I also believe at least one Justice of the USSC helped in drafting the petition...that is my GUT feeling.)
5. The executive branch has the authority to gather a Grand Jury "open venure"...go out and get people for the Grand Jury, when the (court) system is corrupt and not allowing people to bring evidence of corruption before the Grand Jury. (Wild v. Otis is an interesting case to read as to the right to access the Grand Jury)
6. Grand Jury investigations are REQUIRED BY LAW to be secret.
7. The RAP Grand Juries HAVE BEEN "rounded up by the executive branch and seated". This is lawful and has happened.
8. The "documents to the governors" were necessary to re-establish the DE JURE (for the people) government. Once this was accomplished, the executive branch (military) had jurisdiction to "round up" those qualified to sit on the de jure Grand Juries.
9. The reason we are "hearing nothing" and "everything is secret" is because Grand Jury investigations are required BY LAW to be secret.
10. Once indictments come down from the Grand Juries, THEN the USSC can "hear and see" the people.
11. I am a subscriber to "Jurist Newsletter". This newsletter covers what is happening around the world in the different courts. Earlier this week the USSC made two important decisions that indicate the USSC is no longer "under the corporate government". Then on Thursday and Friday, there was NOTHING reported ... no decisions in the US Court of Appeals or the USSC. This is very odd.
12. The Grand Jury can, by law, appoint its OWN prosecutor.
13. When the people learn the truth, as how we have been used as collateral for the elite to amass nearly all the wealth of this country (and the world) there is a real potential of riots.
14. IMO it is because of this potential of violence that the FBI released the story of the letters to mainstream media. And look at the comment by the FBI (paraphrased) "GOFR are not violent, but it is feared someone else may be violent."
15. The "bad guys" have the weapons to destroy this entire world. Getting to and securing those weapons is a primary concern to ensure the Republics are free.
16. The pop guns used by citizen militias are no match to the weapons "they" have that can and have been used against us. I was a TV reporter at the 2008 RNC and personally know what it is like to be attacked by our "government forces".
17. If RAP fails, we do NOT have the means to defend ourselves against the advanced weapons controlled by "our" government.
18. If RAP fails, it will be "emergency time" for the scientists to put their heads together and figure out some way to defend against the advanced weapons.

I understand the need for secrecy, as I understand the law that governs the Grand Jury.

My HOPE is the indictments that will be brought by the De Jure Grand Juries will be enforced by the executive (military) and the judiciary.

My HOPE is that the (now free) Republics are "backed by gold"...remember what happened in the Revolutionary War?

My HOPE is that the scientists will not need to be called upon, as our last defense.


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