About Me

Missouri, United States
I consider myself the "black sheep" of the family. I moved away from home when I was 19 and a year ago I decided it was time I moved back home....so glad to be among family and friends. I grew up playing the piano but haven't played in years. I have always thought outside the box, wanting to move to Boquete Panama, I am a tea party participant. I am a reiki master and I have 2 good guard dogs....a dachshund and Jack Russell terrorist. I go to alternative news websites daily for news (don't trust MSM to tell the truth). Operation mockingbird is a CIA operation that began in the '40's to control the media both foreign and domestic. This is why I go to alternative news websites. For an excellent article to read on the subject I suggest http://www.prisonplanet.com/analysis_louise_01_03_03_mockingbird.html


Friday, April 30, 2010

Restore America Plan - Past History Summary


This post might at first seem off subject, however it is a brief history. History is needed to understand the present. As understanding is gained, fear diminishes.
Our hats should be off to the Elders of GotFR & RAP for what they are accomplishing. However, what is happening has been going on for a long time. Sovereignty seekers go further back than the Patriot Movement of the 1980s & 90s, which was a war. If you don't accept that, research the names: Gordon Kahl (individual), Randy Weaver (family), Branch Dividians (community), OK City bombing (city/regional records center), 9-11 (nation/world records center & gold depository). You might as well throw in there the JFK & Lincoln assassinations, and many more, including the recent loss of the Polish government. The groups behind JFK's murder got away with it by "officially" recording that "a crazy Oswald, lone gunman did it." As a result of this, they escaped punishment and lived to do it again on a greater scale.

This is freedom vs. slavery. Today, it is called [individual responsibility] sovereignty vs. The Corporate [Admiralty/insurance] Order. The War was not won in the 1990s (nor 1794: Jay's Treaty which eventually lead to the War of 1812 which City of London actually won. Also see: ORIGINAL 13th Amendment) because The people were not suffering enough. The bubble, like all before (Dutch tulip), eventually bust. Goldman Sachs helped create the housing bubble to perpetuate the debt System. In their greed to make the greater profit on the down-side [of the bubble], they have exposed themselves. Insurance/Wall St. is like a gambling casino. Some participators/residents may win, but it is the House/owners-of-casino who ultimately gain.
In the long run, the key words are: goods & minerals backed exchanges vs. usury---promise to pay a debt (in a money pool). When a central bank charges interest the simple mathematics of the set-up is: given time the interest will be greater than the enter value of the participants. Sovereignty is sanity claiming to not want to be a part of the insane Casino System.
This month, foreign U.S. bond holders don't want to participate at the Casino any longer.

The Illuminati types once owned/controlled minerals & lands. Now they own paper/$$/EU/insurance policies/mortgages/
derivatives. The people of China, Japan, India, Russia, South America, etc. & key military have awaken to the mathematical facts of usury/debt. The central bank & Corporate owners have fooled themselves onto the precipitous of bankruptcy/pulling-of-their-bonds, and now want your blood/more-taxes to bail them out AGAIN. If they pull off something more evil than 9-11 & blame it on the Islamic who oppose usury, don't be fooled again into fighting another war so they can profit from your blood. The Catholic Church, and others, long ago sold out and accepted usury. Today the Vatican has conceded their loss of morality. The central bank owners are facing their own Waterlo[w]o. A Doctrine of Odious Debts moratorium is upon us. A Change to sovereign's self-responsibility is presently possible. We of the responsible need to show the subject-class Citizens of the Corporate World Order that work/production can be full-filling under a positive ethic as opposed to that of debt-creation. What follows NEEDS to remain peaceful. Let not history repeat the days immediately following Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses in 1517, because some wanted to fight "His" Reformation.

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