About Me

Missouri, United States
I consider myself the "black sheep" of the family. I moved away from home when I was 19 and a year ago I decided it was time I moved back home....so glad to be among family and friends. I grew up playing the piano but haven't played in years. I have always thought outside the box, wanting to move to Boquete Panama, I am a tea party participant. I am a reiki master and I have 2 good guard dogs....a dachshund and Jack Russell terrorist. I go to alternative news websites daily for news (don't trust MSM to tell the truth). Operation mockingbird is a CIA operation that began in the '40's to control the media both foreign and domestic. This is why I go to alternative news websites. For an excellent article to read on the subject I suggest http://www.prisonplanet.com/analysis_louise_01_03_03_mockingbird.html


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Here it is, April 6th and I don't know how time escapes me. Anyway, I joined the local tea party 3 weeks ago and since then the membership has grown from me being #12 to 80. Obummer has awakened the sheeple and we are mad! Did you hear that there is a new political party called POP? It stands for Pissed off Patriots. I can tell ya now that come November the incumbents up for re-election will be voted out....O Happy Day!! Before the Obamacare vote, I emailed my congressman and told him that if he didn't vote no, he might as well pack his bags because he won't be doing another term of screwing his constituents.
I am looking forward to April 15th! I am going to my first tea party. The organizers expect it to be one of the biggest in the nation. We'll have the guest speakers and live band etc. There are other groups joining us, those numbers up above are just for the tea party website that I joined. There are a lot more people in the KC area planning on being there. All I can say to my friends and family...."Be there or be square".

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