About Me

Missouri, United States
I consider myself the "black sheep" of the family. I moved away from home when I was 19 and a year ago I decided it was time I moved back home....so glad to be among family and friends. I grew up playing the piano but haven't played in years. I have always thought outside the box, wanting to move to Boquete Panama, I am a tea party participant. I am a reiki master and I have 2 good guard dogs....a dachshund and Jack Russell terrorist. I go to alternative news websites daily for news (don't trust MSM to tell the truth). Operation mockingbird is a CIA operation that began in the '40's to control the media both foreign and domestic. This is why I go to alternative news websites. For an excellent article to read on the subject I suggest http://www.prisonplanet.com/analysis_louise_01_03_03_mockingbird.html


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Restore America Plan - You Tube - MUST SEE --- EXCELLENT

Transcript of the You Tube presentation at:

The Restore America Plan
The Guardians of the Free Republic

The folllowing is a transcript from 'Constitutional
Americans' Radio featuring Tim Turner with
Billy Ray Harland and Bill Wickie in Alabama

These are the words of Tim Turner an intelligent,
courageous Sovereign man of God.

Tim Turner Guardian Elder of The Guardians of the
Free Republic 'in his own eords...' on 'Constitutional
Americans' Radio April 14, 2010

The republic of America has been restored! April 14, 2010

The FBI and the Military were served last week. 'with notice'

Washington is 'GOING DOWN' because they do not any
credit-ability anymore, the land belongs to the people, and
they cannot collateralize them anymore.

The Hague and the World Court are working with us and
trying to do some things, great things.

"We actually had help from within the government, they
showed us how to do this."

The Military and all the Supreme Court were concerned
that we were about to lose our Sovereignty forever!

We succeeded, and it is done! The united States of America
is re-established to a time prior to the Civil War 1850.

Amendments 14-27 do not exist anymore. Congress had no
lawful authority since 1868, they had legal authority.

All Amendments of the original Constitution 'FOR' the united
States of America up to the 13th are there. Amendments
14-27 were added under the new Constitution called the
Constitution 'OF' the U.S.

The deception goes all the way back to 1860. In 1868 the
41st Congress created the U.S. and gave it a jurisdictional
area of 10 sq. miles.

Their jurisdiction was limited to that 10 sq. miles and
territories, not to the 50 states. Every law passed in DC
since 1868 had no effect on Americans, except by their

28 USC 3002... States that....THE UNITED STATES IS A

The Expatriation Amendment...U.S. Citizens are not
Americans, and Americans are not U.S. Citizens.

We have restored the Americas! You want information
...see The Restore America Plan.

All 50 Governors were served as of the 30th of (March,

It was 'put out' last week that 135 of your Congressmen
stole funds from the bailout and put in accounts around
the world.

The military is always subject to civilian authority. The
military is responsible for this. They came to a friend of
mine and explained to him that we need to re-establish
the Republic.

All those victimless crimes are over. They do not exist
anymore. If you don't have a victim, you didn't commit
a crime.

Within 30 days the IRS is over. They will not be able to
collect debts in this country anymore.

The united States has so much money out there that
you would not believe it. I know for a fact it is true.

We use almost 150 million barrels (42 gallons per
barrel) of fuel a day. Then you have the oils and by
products. The tax is about 50 cents per gallon, about
1.5 billion dollars a day.

70% of your income goes to taxes. The only reason
it takes that much to operate is because Congress is
stealing it from you!

Congress will lose their funding. Their bonds have
already been arrested! This is a done deal. They
cannot get funded any more.

They cannot fund or bond bills as they are in 'Dishonor
in Commerce' and did not have lawful authority to
operate. This was just recently settled in court in the

They agreed that the U.S. Corporation has run a scam
on the American people. Their bonds are under arrest,
we arrested their bonds.

Congress cannot pass a bill anymore, because they
cannot get it funded because of their dishonor to the
American People. We just arrested the bonds in all 50

Congress cannot due anything! The republic is fully
bonded and fully financed, and backed by gold and
a lot of it.

I have been told there will be a currency exchange
called u.S. Treasury Notes

In the last week I have had the richest man in the
entire government call me and talked about an hour.
I had the richest man in the World acll me Saturday,
the richest man in China.

A Prince in Europe called me. These people are taking it
seriously. They are offering financial support, as much
as we need in gold to support this effort.

This 4th of July will be a celebration like you have never
seen because the American people will truly be free again.
By that time they will understand what freedom really is.
They will have more money and...

People in prison for victimless crimes will be released!
There will be no more property taxes!

That is coming and coming very soon. These things not
optional for the corporations. They have no say in the

We had over 2,300 downloads in beijing, China. It is a
done deal! The Republic is going out around the World.

Cancer cures without side effects within days. I was
cured of leukemia in 5 days.

Free energy! I have a friend in Seattle that has two
steaks and a coil for your back yard, and it will power
your house. It costs about $3,000, and it will actually
run several houses.

The technologies are overwhelming that are going to
be realized. I have a friend that has a shoebox sized
gadget. You charge it one time, and your car will run
forever on it.

These are the words of Tim Turner an intelligent,
courageous, Sovereign man of God.

This is a Plan of PEACE!

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