About Me

Missouri, United States
I consider myself the "black sheep" of the family. I moved away from home when I was 19 and a year ago I decided it was time I moved back home....so glad to be among family and friends. I grew up playing the piano but haven't played in years. I have always thought outside the box, wanting to move to Boquete Panama, I am a tea party participant. I am a reiki master and I have 2 good guard dogs....a dachshund and Jack Russell terrorist. I go to alternative news websites daily for news (don't trust MSM to tell the truth). Operation mockingbird is a CIA operation that began in the '40's to control the media both foreign and domestic. This is why I go to alternative news websites. For an excellent article to read on the subject I suggest http://www.prisonplanet.com/analysis_louise_01_03_03_mockingbird.html


Thursday, May 20, 2010

infowars.com: Pentagon, Police Stage Terror Attack Exercise in Long Beach

Posted By: watcher51445 <Send E-Mail>
Date: Thursday, 20-May-2010 11:43:58
Pentagon, Police Stage Terror Attack Exercise in Long Beach

Kurt Nimmo
May 19, 2010

If you live in Long Beach, California, you may think the city is under attack by terrorists today.
The Long Beach exercise is another example of the engineered demise of Posse Comitatus.
The Adler Realty Investment company in Long Beach has sent a notice to residents (see below) informing them that "response agencies," including the U.S. Coast Guard, the local police and fire department along with the military will be conducting a training exercise in the city. "Port Protector 2010," an attachment to the notice states, will consist of a training
exercise in response to a "terrorist threat" including a "hostage scenario" and Hazmat training.

"A United States Coast Guard helicopter will be flying overhead as part of the training exercise," the attachment continues. "Weapons will be brandished (NO GUNFIRE). Long Beach motor officers will be patroling outer permiter (sic) areas of exercise for safety and to keep non-exercise participants out of exercise area."
The Long Beach exercise is another example of the engineered demise of Posse Comitatus and an usurpation of the right of the states to control their police, emergency services, and National Guard under the guise of the manufactured war on terror.
"The war on terrorism has made the U.S. armed forces active participants in homeland defense and, in the process, has prompted changes in the responsibilities and mission scope of the Defense Department. Assuming that the military forces serve a supporting and supplementary role, working in conjunction with law enforcement authorities, prohibitions against military
involvement in anti-terror operations are generally moot - or even irrelevant. It is in this context that the military's post-September 11 homeland security initiatives must be analyzed vis-á-vis Posse Comitatus," writes Juliette Kayyem for National Defense Magazine.

In short, Posse Comitatus is dead so far as the government and the Pentagon are concerned. Increasingly there is little divide between the military and local law enforcement.
Obama signed Executive Order 13528 on January 11 establishing a Council of Governors, described as an "advisory panel" that will allow the Pentagon to implement contingency plans designed to seize control of state National Guard in the event of a "national emergency."
a.. A d v e r t i s e m e n t
b.. Bush began the process in 2008 when he signed the National Defense Authorization Act. "The President shall establish a bipartisan Council of Governors to advise the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and the White House Homeland Security Council on matters related to the National Guard and civil support missions," the legislation states.

The "terror threat" on the water and shoreline of Long Beach does not specify al-Qaeda or scary Muslim terrorists.
In late April, we reported on the U.S. Military in Kentucky training to confront Tea Party protesters and anti-government demonstrators, who in official intelligence advisories are described as bomb-making terrorists. "Anti-Government - Health Care Protesters have stated that they would join the TEA Party as a sign of solidarity" during a protest at Fort Knox. The
Tea Party "groups are armed, have combative training and some are former Military Snipers. Some may have explosives training / experience," an intel report connected to the exercise stated.

A report issued in 2008 by the U.S. Army War College discussed the use of American troops to quell civil unrest brought about by a worsening economic crisis. The report from the War College's Strategic Studies Institute warned that the U.S. military must prepare for a "violent, strategic dislocation
inside the United States" that could be provoked by "unforeseen economic collapse" or "loss of functioning political and legal order."

For more than a decade the Pentagon has endeavored to acclimate Americans to the presence of troops on the streets. Instances of the Pentagon putting troops on the streets are numerous and have increased in frequency over the last few years.
In March of 2009, Infowars reported on U.S. Army soldiers dispatched in Samson, Alabama, supposedly in response to a rampaging gunman.
In December, 2008, the Marine Corps Air and Ground Combat Center and the local California Highway Patrol worked together "in a joint effort to reduce accidents and drinking and driving" in San Bernardino County, a blatant violation of Posse Comitatus.
The Iowa National Guard planned an exercise in the small town of Arcadia but rolled back the invasion after citizens complained about soldiers patrolling the streets of an American town.
Military police were positioned at the 2009 Kentucky Derby and in April of the same year 400 National Guard Combat Support Battalion troops were dispatched to "maintain public order" at the Boston Marathon.
In April of 2009, an Infowars reader sent a page taken from the Hardeman County, Tennessee, Bulletin Times announcing a seat belt checkpoint to be conducted on April 4 "in conjunction with a Homeland Security training exercise by the 251st Military Police in Bolivar who recently returned from Iraq."
On April 15, 2009, we reported on how the Maryland National Guard was put on alert in anticipation of Tax Day nationwide Tea Party protests. A Force Protection Advisory issued on April 11 instructed the National Guard to be on alert during the Tea Party protests because Guardsmen and Guard facilities might become "targets of opportunity." It was later learned that
the Department of Homeland Security had put the protesters under surveillance.

Joint military, Department of Homeland Security, and local police and emergency exercises are an integral part of this ongoing effort to acclimate the American people to the prospect of troops and heavily armed cops on the streets.
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