About Me

Missouri, United States
I consider myself the "black sheep" of the family. I moved away from home when I was 19 and a year ago I decided it was time I moved back home....so glad to be among family and friends. I grew up playing the piano but haven't played in years. I have always thought outside the box, wanting to move to Boquete Panama, I am a tea party participant. I am a reiki master and I have 2 good guard dogs....a dachshund and Jack Russell terrorist. I go to alternative news websites daily for news (don't trust MSM to tell the truth). Operation mockingbird is a CIA operation that began in the '40's to control the media both foreign and domestic. This is why I go to alternative news websites. For an excellent article to read on the subject I suggest http://www.prisonplanet.com/analysis_louise_01_03_03_mockingbird.html


Saturday, August 7, 2010

Are We In the Midst of a Undeclared Spiritual War? If So, How do we Fight It? Part I - The Problem


Commentary by Vatic Master
August 1, 2010

On the surface and without much thought, it certainly appears we -- the American People -- are under attack and in an undeclared war in our three dimensional reality, but not in a way that one would think or believe is an accepted definition of "War" .

An example is the inclusion of Bovine growth hormone in all our childrens milk, creating an advanced sexually developed child at an earlier age. And yet, the healthy non-manipulated or non-chemically altered Raw Milk farms are being raided regularly.  Those of us who are older grew up on raw milk, and we are still alive... Ahhh, might that be the problem?

This is only one miniscule example of thousands of assaults against us daily in every aspect of our lives.  So why else do as outlined above?  What is the agenda?  

Given the various elements of this war that are unusual, such as the pre-announcement of the "enemy's" intent to do terrorist acts against us with great specificity and timing, is it arrogance on their part, or something more sinister and deeper in meaning?

Are we under attack on a much greater level with much more serious ramifications, leading to what could be considered a "Spiritual  War? If so, how must this war be fought to be successful?

First we have to know our enemy, don't we? Lets find out who that is. One indicator of those who believe and follow Lucifer, they use the Molech symbol of greeting and public message passing to others in control, as you see above with Pat Robertson's fingers and hand. We have all seen Bush Jr. and Clinton and other country's leaders use that hand sign.

The videos at the end of the commentary show you others that support that contention riddled through our system and in our everyday lives.  John Todd tells us how its also passed on to our children through their music.

What is a Luciferian and Who is Lucifer?  
Lucifer and Satan are names that apply differently to
the fallen angel based on different positioning both before and after the fall,  a good description of that difference can be found here.

Satan is a Hebrew word meaning "Adversary". This is interpreted a few different ways. One of the most common in the community is to use "Satan" to represent an entity which is an adversary to yourself, attempting to keep you ignorant and enslaved. This meaning is often connected with the Gnostic "Demiurge". The other main usage of the term "Satan" involves seeing this entity as an adversary to either God or mainstream morality. This second view of Satan connects it with carnality and hedonism. Those Luciferians who were formerly Satanists will tend toward this carnal definition of Satan.

John Todd in the video gives us an excellent presentation on how our youth have been targeted and successfully recruited into spreading satanism through the music industry controlled by the Illuminati (Rothschilds/zionists).


John Todd, ex-head of Zodiac Records and an ex-Illiminati,  discusses the process of satanizing all records released. He discusses the intentional manipulation not only of artists but also the actual words of the songs called "witch language". Example is "Hotel California", "Destroyer," and "Helter Skelter." This is fascinating and the impact on our children is scary. I was surprised at the artists who were part of the coven that he names, but then he made it clear no artist could succeed without being inducted into the practice and cooperate on every level. 

MTV is now the source for reaching these kids with the same messages which is also run by a Zionist, coincidentally.   This must be stopped as soon as possible.

Also watch out for bogus Christian groups, pastors, etc. who are paid to also do this work. Many of the Christian songs are loaded with subliminal messaging that reaches our children, and we are none the wiser.

This is one of the best videos on this subject I have ever viewed.  He deeply cared about all this and shows it in his presentations as an insider for many years.  He disappeared and no one knows what happened to him.  That is also usually an indication of truthfulness.

This is very important simply because WHEN ONE BELIEVES he is empowered by a spiritual force, he is willing to do anything it takes and believes that he can do anything and will succeed. Unless challenged. But if left unchallenged, there is no limit to what he believes that he can do and still be protected. "Belief" is the key to success in any endeavor, unless others with greater vibrational energy can counteract them, much like love has a greater vibrational quality than greed or any other three dimensional agenda.

On a personal level, they see no limits to satisfying their carnal needs, as we saw with the "married" CEO's of the Wall Street crowd who used bailout funds for prostitutes at $40,000 per night. At that price, you can "imagine" how indulging they were.

On a political/power level, we saw in the Gulf and now in Michigan the same unrestricted surrender to the extreme indulgence of pure destructive hedonism inherent in the religion regardless of consequences to anyone including the planet. That is why these people are so very dangerous and why we must know and understand our enemy in this instance better than we know ourselves. We only get ONE SHOT

We must view our options in the same realm, on the same stage, and  in the same context, but using the spiritual power of goodness and higher ideals to defeat the demon power and I believe we can.   If we do not, we will end up like Iraq is now, and it's not at all acceptable. 

Video 1 of 6 - The remainder of the 6 can be seen at the link included in Video 2. But these two were powerful eye opening views into the depths and heart of what is happening to us, and how long its been planned. It begs the question, if this power and evil does exist and has provided the resources through ritual to these Luciferians, then is there a greater or at least equal power on the side of good?  Like them, we must have multiple agendas and processes for fighting them on many different levels simultaneously. 

Video 2  -

These 6 videos plus John Todds, gives us a very good idea of the organizational and control aspects of these Luciferians/satanists, with aliens thrown in,  adding to our education.

We have one more alternative view that broadens our perspective and its a good one, so we decided to include it in this blog for your edification and broadened knowledge base.

Its title is Court Unmasks Secularism as State "Religion" . It is an excellent article.

It doesn't change how we deal with the three dimensional non-spiritual reality, but it does give us another level to work from to counter this.  Christians and other spiritual groups would know how to do this in prayer and in belief that this can be overcome,  however, there has to be more as David Icke clearly stated in order to reach the level of  "Spiritual Warrior" in this battle.

To do "nothing" is not an option.  That is what we hope to cover in Part II of this series.
at this; they have been doing this obsessively and generationally for years & we are only just waking up to the big picture.

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